Friday, June 23, 2017

Modern Family - Revised DVD Front Box Art for 'The Complete 8th Season'

Modern Family - Revised DVD Front Box Art for 'The Complete 8th Season'

No availability date yet, but Amazon is taking advance orders for the DVDs

Posted by David Lambert
Way back in March we had the heads-up that Modern Family - The Complete 8th Season is in-the-works for DVD. The folks at Fox haven't announced the title yet, so we didn't then (and don't now, either) have a release date for you so far.

But at the time we did have an early look at the package art for this title (although I had originally selected an incorrect image, but updated it the next morning to the correct artwork!). We warned you at the time that it wasn't finalized yet, and could be subject to change. Now Amazon's pre-order listing (see button link below) has updated to show revised cover art for this item, and we've got a look at that change image for you. As you can see, it's the same concept, generally speaking, but re-arranged a bit!

Our thanks to one of our longtime readers, "Kevin," for noticing this and tipping us off about it. Stay tuned for further updates, and more info becomes available!
Order this title from Modern Family - The Complete 8th Season

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