Thursday, January 25, 2018

Genius - NG/Fox Thinks Up a Street Date for 'Season 1: Einstein' on DVD

Genius - NG/Fox Thinks Up a Street Date for 'Season 1: Einstein' on DVD shows that we should expect it in early April

Posted by David Lambert
Back in the middle of October we had the heads-up that a DVD release was in-the-works for Genius - Season 1: Einstein, from National Geographic and Fox Home Entertainment. The studio hasn't sent us a formal announcement yet, but now has updated their pre-order listing (see button link below) with an April 3rd street date. There are no new details there yet...just the date, and the same price ($29.98 SRP) and early cover art (may not be finalized yet, and could be subject to change) that we reported last time. Stay tuned for updates, if any new info becomes available.
Order this title from Genius - Season 1: Einstein

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