Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Are Heading to TV
Based on the hit comic book series, the animated project follows the adventures of nine-year-old super-genius Lunella Lafayette, an African-America girl who teams up with her crimson-colored dinosaur and uses her smarts to save the day.
[via press release from Marvel] MOON GIRL AND DEVIL DINOSAUR ARE HEADING TO TV
'Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur' is currently in development.
If this past weekend's release of Marvel Studios "Black Panther" has taught us anything, it's that brilliant young girls run the world. Lunella Lafayette, it's time for you to take center stage!
Marvel TV today revealed that "Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur" (working title) is in development. Based on the hit comic book series, the animated project follows the adventures of nine-year-old super-genius Lunella Lafayette, an African-America girl who teams up with her crimson-colored dinosaur and uses her smarts to save the day. Lunella, A.K.A. Moon Girl, was created by Brandon Montclare, Amy Reeder, and Natacha Bustos in 2015 - and the world's smartest person hasn't looked back since!
"Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur" is being produced by Marvel Animation and Cinema Gypsy Productions (Laurence Fishburne and Helen Sugland, producers of "black-ish" and "grown-ish") with visual and animation development services by Titmouse, Inc. The animated project is in consideration for a Disney Channels Worldwide series.
Want to know more about the smartest there is in the Marvel Universe, head over to Marvel Unlimited or stop by your local comic shop and read the source material!
Based on the hit comic book series, the animated project follows the adventures of nine-year-old super-genius Lunella Lafayette, an African-America girl who teams up with her crimson-colored dinosaur and uses her smarts to save the day.
[via press release from Marvel] MOON GIRL AND DEVIL DINOSAUR ARE HEADING TO TV
'Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur' is currently in development.
If this past weekend's release of Marvel Studios "Black Panther" has taught us anything, it's that brilliant young girls run the world. Lunella Lafayette, it's time for you to take center stage!
Marvel TV today revealed that "Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur" (working title) is in development. Based on the hit comic book series, the animated project follows the adventures of nine-year-old super-genius Lunella Lafayette, an African-America girl who teams up with her crimson-colored dinosaur and uses her smarts to save the day. Lunella, A.K.A. Moon Girl, was created by Brandon Montclare, Amy Reeder, and Natacha Bustos in 2015 - and the world's smartest person hasn't looked back since!
"Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur" is being produced by Marvel Animation and Cinema Gypsy Productions (Laurence Fishburne and Helen Sugland, producers of "black-ish" and "grown-ish") with visual and animation development services by Titmouse, Inc. The animated project is in consideration for a Disney Channels Worldwide series.
Want to know more about the smartest there is in the Marvel Universe, head over to Marvel Unlimited or stop by your local comic shop and read the source material!
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