Friday, March 2, 2018

60 Minutes 3/4 on CBS


Sunday, March 4, 2018
7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT On the CBS Television Network
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT – Bill Whitaker reports on the German prison system, which emphasizes rehabilitation rather than punishment and allows convicts an astonishing amount of freedom. Prisons in Germany cost less than those in the U.S. and produce fewer convicts who return to prison. Marc Lieberman is the producer.
REDEMPTION – Shon Hopwood was serving time for armed bank robbery when he discovered he had a brilliant mind for the law. As a prisoner, he got a case argued in front of the Supreme Court, and today he is a law professor at the elite Georgetown University Law Center.  Steve Kroft reports.  Maria Gavrilovic is the producer. 
THE MUSIC OF ZOMBA PRISON – Beautiful music created by inmates and their guards offers happiness and hope behind prison walls.  Anderson Cooper reports from Malawi, Africa, where the Zomba Prison Project is making a difference.  Michael Gavshon and David Levine are the producers.
The above segments are updated stories previously broadcast on 60 MINUTES.
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