Thursday, July 5, 2018

Michelle Wolf takes aim at the NRA this July 4th Weekend - 'The Break with Michelle Wolf' Streaming Sunday on Netflix

The Break with Michelle Wolf takes aim at the NRA this July 4th Weekend

Michelle Wolf decides NOW is the time to talk about guns and the NRA’s notion of a good guy with a gun – you know, that very realistic scenario of barely trained civilians rushing head first into a fire fight – on the new episodeThe Break with Michelle Wolf,” streaming this Sunday, July 8 on Netflix.

“The most challenging thing will come weeks after, when Christopher Nolan asks to adapt your story to the big screen. He will suggest Leonardo DiCaprio or Ryan Gosling play you. Make a joke like ‘Are you sure those guys are handsome enough?’ Chris will like that. Then sheepishly look down and say ‘Or you know, I could play myself.’ Chris will love this idea, calling it a throwback to Italian neorealism.”


About The Break with Michelle Wolf:
·         The Break with Michelle Wolf, the weekly half hour variety/sketch series, streaming every Sunday with new episodes on Netflix.

Please visit the official show social pages:
Twitter: @thebreaknetflix
Instagram: @thebreaknetflix

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