Thursday, July 26, 2018

What Would You Do? 7/27 on ABC

New Episode of ABC News’ ‘What Would You Do?’ Features Disobedient Children, Body Shaming and More, Friday, July 27

 ‘What Would You Do?’ Airs Friday, July 27 (9:01 – 10:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC
A new episode of “What Would You Do?,” airing Friday, July 27 (9:01 – 10:01 p.m. EDT), includes scenarios featuring disobedient children, body shaming and more.
What Would You Do?” with anchor John Quiñones reveals how people behave when they think no one is watching by using hidden cameras to record people’s real reactions to thought-provoking scenarios created by actors.
Friday, July 27, scenarios include the following: 
  • A muscular female trainer is insulted for being too fit by someone watching her workout. What will others who overhear say?
  • A man and woman are at a restaurant discussing with their teen child that they are separating after many years of marriage because the father has come out as gay. But their teenager is not happy to hear the news. Will fellow diners step in and say something?
  •  A diner asks other diners to watch his laptop while he takes a phone call outside a restaurant. They agree and after he steps away, someone tries to take the laptop. What will the diners do? (Rebroadcast. OAD: 7/7/17)
  • A mother is out to lunch with her children who are loudly playing on their electronic devices, running around, making a mess with their food and clearly disrupting other diners’ meals. The mother does not try to rein in their bad behavior and even steps away to make a few phone calls. Will anyone in the restaurant say something about the behavior?
Ethan Nelson is the executive producer of “What Would You Do?” for Lincoln Square Productions. 
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